1. 1 – BIND : Configure for Internal Network
  2. 2 – BIND : Configure for External Network
  3. 3 – BIND : Configure Zone Files
  4. 4 – BIND : Verify Resolution
  5. 5 – BIND : Use View Statement
  6. 6 – BIND : Set Alias (CNAME)
  7. 7 – BIND : Configure Chroot Environment
  8. 8 – BIND : Configure Secondary Server

Configure Zone Files for each Zone set in [named.conf].
Replace Network or Domain name on the example below to your own environment.

[1] Create zone files that servers resolve IP address from Domain name.

The example below uses Internal network [], Domain name [local].
Replace to your own environment.

[root@soncq ~]# vi /var/named/soncq.local.lan
$TTL 86400
@   IN  SOA     soncq.local. root.local. (
        # any numerical values are OK for serial number but
        # recommendation is [YYYYMMDDnn] (update date + number)
        2021022401  ;Serial
        3600        ;Refresh
        1800        ;Retry
        604800      ;Expire
        86400       ;Minimum TTL
        # define Name Server
        IN  NS      soncq.local.
        # define Name Server's IP address
        IN  A
        # define Mail Exchanger Server
        IN  MX 10   soncq.local.

# define each IP address of a hostname
soncq     IN  A
www     IN  A
[2] Create zone files that servers resolve Domain name from IP address.

The example below uses Internal network [], Domain name [srv.world].
Replace to your own environment.

[root@soncq ~]# vi /var/named/0.0.10.db
$TTL 86400
@   IN  SOA     soncq.local. root.local. (
        2021022401  ;Serial
        3600        ;Refresh
        1800        ;Retry
        604800      ;Expire
        86400       ;Minimum TTL
        # define Name Server
        IN  NS      soncq.local.

# define each hostname of an IP address
30      IN  PTR     soncq.local.
31      IN  PTR     www.local
[3] Next, Start BIND and Verify Name or Address Resolution, refer to here.
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