1. Setting Up
  2. Web Pages and Themes
  3. Page Builder
  4. Web Forms
  5. Blogs and Help Articles

In today’s world internet is indispensable for individuals and companies. Buyers research products and services they are about to buy. Having relevant content in the form of blogs, help articles, and other forms is a great opportunity for you to introduce your products and services to prospective customers. Some blog readers may engage via comments which will help you gain insights. Blogs can also be easily shared on social media by visitors which helps in gaining more traction.

Blogs are an excellent way to communicate with internal stakeholders like employees. Blogs also help in attracting the right talent to your company. Blogs on various topics like technology, values, processes, and achievements all stakeholders to engage in a deeper way.

Help articles are short and focus on solving specific problems. Having a good knowledge base in the form of help articles benefit your existing customers and also builds trust with prospective customers. They can also be used for creating reference material for internal stakeholders.

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